Thank you for supporting the 2025 PPGS Virtual Book Sale. All funds raised will be used to support PPGS programs/activities including hiring speakers, educational programs, and events like the holiday party. Additional donations above your bid price are welcome and will also be applied in the same manner.
After the end of the sale, bidders will be informed of what item(s) they have won the bids on and what their total payment should be. After you receive your total due for the auction item(s) you won, you may pay by any of the three following methods. For shipped items, please wait for notice that the items have been packaged and what the actual shipping costs are before paying.
1. Through PayPal via credit or debit card: No PayPal subscription is needed. Click on the button below to enter your amount due and payment information.
2. Write a check and give it to the person who delivers your books to you. If paying by check for shipped items, items will be shipped after receipt of your check.
3. Pay with cash to the person who delivers your books to you.
Any amounts you pay over the bid and shipping prices for your items are appreciated and will be designated for the Book Fund. Failure to pay the bid price plus the shipping costs (if applicable) by the date set in the final payment instructions will result in the item being sold to the next highest bidder.