Research Help
If you're a beginning researcher with questions or just want to bounce a research brick wall off an experienced genealogist, schedule a time to meet at the library with one of our GenMentors, PPGS members who volunteer their time to help you learn.
Not Local?
Research in local records and periodicals: PPGS will do limited research in local facilities for a suggested donation of $15 per hour.
Mail requests to the PPGS address below or e-mail the PPGS Secretary.
Pikes Peak Genealogical Society
P.O. Box 63901
Colorado Springs, CO 80962
Local Researchers for Hire
If you require extensive research, here is a list of local genealogists who will do research for hire, if available.
Need a Translator?
Please note that the following individuals are Pikes Peak Genealogical Society members and offer language translation on a
limited basis. Translators can set limits on the amount of translating they will do and at what point they may charge a fee or refer someone to a professional translator for assistance.
Google Translate may be able to help too.