Pikes Peak Genealogical Society

Join or Renew

Pikes Peak Genealogical Society welcomes all who have an interest in genealogy, whether a beginner or experienced genealogist. Let us help you discover your ancestors and unlock their stories!
Annual Membership Dues (membership expires December 31 and payments received after October 1 will be effective through the end of the following year):
     Individual       $25
     Household     $35  (2 persons at the same address)
If paying by PayPal (below), please also email your New Member Form to the Membership chair. 
If sending payment by mail, please include a NEW MEMBER FORM  or MEMBER RENEWAL FORM with your check. Address: PPGS, PO Box 63901, Colorado Springs, CO 80962.
PayPal accepts payment by credit or debit card or transfer from a bank account. A PayPal account is not required. Membership plans in the dropdown menu include donation opportunities.
If you want to make a donation in addition to your membership, select one of the options from the dropdown menu ($10 or $25 with your membership level). To give a different amount, please go to the Donate page. Thank you for your kindness!
Annual Memberships
Member(s) email addresses:
If you're including an extra donation, where should it go: speakers, education, or ...?
Problems or questions about PayPal? Email the PPGS webmaster.
PPGS is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization, and your donations are tax deductible as allowed by law.
PPGS Membership Benefits include:
  • Access to Members Only section of the PPGS website
  • Outstanding speakers and educators at monthly programs
  • Monthly invitations to PPGS meetings by Zoom
  • Speaker handouts via email or on website
  • Access to recorded programs, as available
  • Access to educational classes and PPGS special interest groups such as the DNA Study Group
  • GenMentor consultations for your research
  • PDF quarterly newsletter
  • Donations are tax-deductible donations; PPGS is 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization
  • PPGS is a member of Colorado Council of Genealogical Societies, which represents the interests of genealogists in Colorado, especially for protecting access to genealogical records