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King Graves
(Teller County)
340 View Crest Way
Colorado 80816
This single marker is on private property southeast of Florissant. From Florissant, turn south from Highway 24 onto Teller County 1 and drive approximately 4.3 miles to North Mountain Estates Road. Turn left and drive about 2.7 miles to Viewcrest Way. Turn right and drive 0.4 mile to the cul-de-sac end of the road. The flat bronze military marker is between two large rock outcroppings about 25 to 30 yards to the southeast of the end of the cul-de-sac. Nailed to a tree at the end of the cul-de-sac is a small wooden sign that reads "King Srocks." Look to the left of this sign and go to the left of the tree hit by lightning to find the marker. According to GPS-derived geolocation (accurate to within 10 meters), the coordinates of marker are 38°52'37.4"N and 105°13'56.5"W. It is located in Section 33, Township 13 South, Range 70 West. The lot's views of the mountains are spectacular. The marker reads:
JAN 23 1915 OCT 20 1990
King's obituary (Colorado Springs Gazette Telegraph, October 24, 1990, page B10) says he was born in Grandview, Iowa, to Floyd and Mintie (Olen) King. He married S. Berneice Hooper on December 30, 1939, in St. Louis, Missouri. In addition to his wife, he was survived by two daughters, Karla B. King and Kathy M. VanDerWege, and a son, Christopher King. He lived in Colorado Springs for twenty years prior to his death.
King's wife, Sibyl Berneice King, was born January 8, 1916 and died April 11, 2002. The family will be placing (2001) a marker for her near Warren's.
The 1.27-acre lot at 340 Viewcrest Way is owned by King family members, and the contact (2001) is Kathy M. VanDerWege, 4913 Daybreak Circle, Colorado Springs, CO 80917; phone: (719) 380-7635.
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