Genealogy Forms
Census Transcription and General Research Forms
U.S. and British census transcription forms, as well as other forms used for genealogical research, can be downloaded or printed from the following website:
Census Transcription and General Research Forms
U.S. and British census transcription forms, as well as other forms used for genealogical research, can be downloaded or printed from the following websites:
1800-1840 Census Comparison Form by Mark Lowe
1850 - 1880 Agricultural Schedule Transcription Forms
With the recent availability of the 1850-1880 agricultural and manufacturing schedules on, it became apparent that the headers for the agricultural schedules can be very difficult to read. In addition, with the large amount of data on the agricultural schedules a transcription form to record the information would be very helpful. Unfortunately, no known transcription forms exist. Using an old Commerce Department manual, however, the following forms have been designed and can be downloaded and printed to assist researchers in reading and recording this data:
1850 Agricultural Schedule Form
1860 Agricultural Schedule Form
1870 Agricultural Schedule Form
1880 Agricultural Schedule Northern States Form
1880 Agricultural Schedule Southern States Form
Ship Manifest Extraction Form
A "universal" form to extract information from passenger lists/manifests of ships arriving at U.S. ports can be found at the following website:
Chain of Title Research Form
Six-Generation Excel Pedigree Chart
Fill in the person squares with colors to show place of birth or some other characteristic to illustrate patterns in your family.